Monday, 22 February 2010

A card...

Hi everyone,
Heres a card I got cracking on this evening (I'm sure you guessed from the innovative title :D). I'm not entirely pleased at how it came out....I thought it needed something else and then added the happy birthday in entirely the wrong place - unfortunately gel pen doesn't rub out! I also had a bit of a frustrating time with another card - I just couldn't get it to look right and couldn't find a way to make it work. Does anyone else have this problem? You sit there, shuffle everything about, add a bit of ribbon etc. and the layout just doesn't work?

However on a positive note, I do really like the flower (which turned into a tree :S !) and will definitely make more of them in the future. So waddya think people?

P.S. Please ignore my messy bedroom space!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Stars in my eyes....

Hi folks,

Well, as it is the last day of half term I'm very busy doing a bit of last minute homework - maths, RE, English etcetera. etcetera. Boy do I have some work to do in maths - I seem to have managed to forget everything so for every question of this exam paper I have to look up exactly how to do things again. So the point is, this is going to be a short post before I return to this:

Instead of been doing my homework this holiday, I've discovered how to make origami stars and am absolutely addicted to making these guys. I think they're so quick and easy to dyet look really pretty. I haven't quite managed to make the huge amounts that other people have made (I once saw a swap package where these origami stars were used as packaging to hold everything together - bearing in mind this was a very large box) I have made a little jam jar full. I've also been experimenting with turning them into jewelry and have made a bracelet but no pics of that yet as its going to one of the swaps I'm in. Here are some pics:

Bye for now :D

Friday, 19 February 2010

Introducing moi!

Oh my that does sound terrible doesn't it! Just a teensy little bit up myself - but I guess it works just as well as any phrase. Now a few of you might be a little bit confused, sitting there scratching your heads, staring at the computer screen and thinking 'I'm sure I've seen this blog before'. No, you are not going through a midlife memory destroying crisis - I did use to have some posts on this site. And then along came a broken camera, school work and all those other little things that can get in the way. But all that time I've still made things and read other peoples blogs; so, as I have just purchased a new camera (just an old £80 job, nothing fancy), I've decided to plunge myself back into the blogsphere with a new zest and what better place to start than an introduction.

First things first: I would like to apologise for the overuse and misuse of my camera - I am still a state of euphoria! So, some things about me. hmmm.....

I love skirts. And tights. And boots. Despite having extra chunky legs :D Not quite sure why but I feel a little bit more classy wearing them:

I have permed hair. And its gorgeous ( well it is when I can be bothered to get up in the morning and don't just scrape it back into a bun - like today so no picture). I've also just dyed it purple - not quite sure what the system is going to make of that when I get back into school after half-term.

I love black and white photographs. I always like to look at people and wonder where they're from and whom they loved and what they did. I'm also just discovering the joy of taking black and white photos:

I'm always reading. I read a lot of fantasy books (I have a bit of a love affair with Tamora Pierce - her books I hasten to add ;) especially books retelling myths and fairy stories, and also historical novels and classics (Pride and Prejudice anyone?) Its not uncommon for me to read one or more books in a sitting. For instance, I just read the whole of Troy by Adele Geras this morning.
As well as skirts, I also love jackets. I only have two, both of which were picked up in charity shops, but I wear them all the time. Please don't get the idea though that I'm terrible girly-girly - I hardly ever wear make-up and generally get up a scant 20 minutes before the school bus goes. Here is another picture of me, showing off my delicious brown jacket.

Crafty wise I do papery stuff like cards, ATC and I would love to do more altered books and shrines. However I procrasinate a lot and spend more time looking at other peoples things than excersising my own mojo. I also crochet a lot and you'll normally find some wool and hooks in my bag (what else is the ride to school good for?). I've picked up some knitting needles and will no doubt try that at some point. I also do a bit of sewing and jewelry making - I'm very can do and will just start at the more complicated end of crafting if I see something I want to make.

Ok, so I think that might be enough about me for now. After all, if I tell all then there will be no incentive to read on will there?

Bye for now,

P.S. Who can tell me what another of my favourite book series are just from looking at my crochet basket ;)