Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Charity Crafting

Hi guys,
I'm afraid I've only got a short post for you today with no pics - I've got a physics exam tomorrow so I'm procrasinating about doing the final bit of revision. However I do have a few links for some charity crafting which have a 'sell-by-date' so to speak so I wanted to get them out to you all :D

I've always wanted to do some charity crafting but never seemed to find the time, the charity etc. - in fact I always had an excuse ready. therefore I decided this lent that instead of giving something up, I would try and give something back and do some charity crafting. Consequently I have done a bit more research and found a few more charities that would like crafty support.

I just wanted to share with you this, well, I don't think you can calll it a charity - more of a reaction to the need of action in Haiti. This blog has been founded to send dolls to Haiti for children living in orphanages. On the blog there is instructions for how to make them, inspiring stories and much much more! They have a target of 181 dolls and any extra will be spread out to other children in Haiti. The dolls are being taken out to the children on the 31st of March so if you want to take part you need to shop these out to New York as soon as possible (especially if you are in the UK). They even give you a form so you can claim tax back for the postage costs, so you literally only need to use scraps from your collection.
The pattern from the dolls can be found here: http://dollydonations.blogspot.com/2010/01/dolly-donations-rag-dolly-tutorial-free.html
The blog in general: http://dollydonations.blogspot.com/

Please go and support this if you have any spare fabric/time - even one doll helps.

I've got a few more links, especially for UK crafters and if anyone has any links for me please comment and let me know. However I'll post these all later as I really have to dash and do trumpet practice/physics revision/homework - can you tell I'm rushing? Sorry its been a very wordy post (I did try and put a pic in but blogger wasn't loving me),
Hugs to you all x